Rear Projection Display

Rear Projection FILM(RPF)

Rear Projection Display (RPD) refers to the projector is placed behind the screen, shooting straight towards the audience. This allows the display technology to control the light path distributing bright, sharp images into a predefined viewing zone.

RPD or RPF (F for film) is ideal for dynamic advertising and promotional messaging, your digital window display will become the centre of attraction in any busy street or shopping mall. With changeable messages and content that can be remotely controlled using Software, displays can be projected in practically any shape or size. Rear Projection Film (RPF) will enhance and bring to life your dynamic messaging content and will help to increase footfall into your store and promote your brand.

GGA Technologies carries 2 key Rear Projection Film products. They are:

1. MacTac Glassmovie : More details can be found in the MacTac product brochure here.

2. 3M Vikuiti: